Drug Rehab Near Somerville, TX

At The Prairie Recovery Center, we understand how deeply addiction affects not only individuals but also their families. Our rehab near Somerville, TX offers a welcoming, supportive environment where you or your loved one can start the journey toward healing. With a compassionate approach and a focus on individualized care, our programs are designed to meet the specific needs of each person. Our mission is to provide the tools, therapies, and support necessary to empower individuals in overcoming addiction and building a fulfilling, healthy life in recovery.

Personalized Addiction Treatment & Rehab Near Somerville, TX

No two experiences with addiction are alike, and this is reflected in our approach to treatment. At The Prairie Recovery Center, our addiction treatment is highly personalized. Thereby, ensuring that we address both the unique challenges and goals of each client. In addition, our programs are designed with flexibility in mind, adapting to the needs of the individual rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. 

This level of personalization allows us to help clients achieve lasting recovery by addressing the root causes of their addiction. As well as any co-occurring mental health conditions that may be contributing factors.

Our drug rehab near Somerville, TX incorporates a range of therapeutic techniques that have been proven effective in treating addiction. Some of the addiction therapies we offer include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): A widely recognized form of therapy that helps individuals change destructive thought patterns and behaviors related to addiction.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): A form of therapy that helps clients regulate emotions, cope with stress, and improve relationships.
  • Individual and group therapy: One-on-one sessions and peer group discussions provide support, accountability, and personal growth opportunities.

By combining these evidence-based therapies with holistic treatment methods like yoga, fitness programs, and mindfulness exercises, we address every aspect of the individual’s well-being.

A woman discusses her journey during rehab near Somerville, TX

Comprehensive Drug and Alcohol Rehab Near Somerville

Our drug and alcohol rehab offers clients comprehensive care at every stage of their recovery journey. Accordingly, we provide a range of programs. We personalize each program to meet the varying needs of those struggling with substance abuse. 

At The Prairie Recovery Center, we offer a full spectrum of care. From the initial stages of detox to long-term aftercare support, clients have access to the tools and resources they need throughout the recovery process.

Here’s a breakdown of the core programs we offer at our rehab near Somerville, TX:

Detox Programs

The first step in Somerville addiction treatment for many individuals is detoxification. Our medically supervised detox programs are designed to help individuals safely manage the withdrawal symptoms that can arise when they stop using drugs or alcohol. Our team of medical professionals ensures that this process is as safe and comfortable as possible.

Residential Treatment (Inpatient)

Our residential program is ideal for individuals who require intensive support in a structured, 24/7 environment. During the 90-day residential program, clients receive around-the-clock care, with access to a range of therapeutic activities, counseling, and wellness programs.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Our Intensive Outpatient Program is a flexible program for individuals who need ongoing support while balancing work, school, or family commitments. Clients attend therapy sessions several times a week, focusing on relapse prevention, coping strategies, and maintaining long-term recovery.

A group therapy session near rehab near Somerville, TX

Holistic Approach to Somerville Addiction Treatment

At The Prairie Recovery Center, we believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms of addiction. Our holistic approach to addiction treatment ensures that we address the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of recovery. We recognize that addiction impacts every part of an individual’s life, which is why we offer a range of wellness programs and activities that promote healing on all levels.

Holistic therapies at our rehab include:

  • Yoga and Meditation: These practices help clients develop mindfulness, reduce stress, and strengthen their connection to their bodies.
  • Fitness Programs: Physical activity is an important part of recovery. Regular exercise helps clients regain strength, improve their mood, and rebuild confidence.
  • Nutritional Support: Addiction can take a toll on the body. Therefore, we focus on helping clients nourish their bodies with healthy, balanced meals.

By incorporating these holistic therapies into our drug and alcohol rehab near Somerville, we give clients the tools they need to not only overcome addiction but also build a healthier, more balanced life in recovery.

Dual Diagnosis: Addressing Both Addiction and Mental Health

At The Prairie Recovery Center, we offer specialized dual diagnosis treatment for individuals facing both addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or bipolar disorder. Treating both conditions simultaneously is essential for long-term recovery. Whereas, mental health disorders often contribute to substance abuse, and vice versa. 

Our dual diagnosis program integrates evidence-based therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to address these complex challenges. Thereby, providing a comprehensive approach that promotes healing and stability.

The goal of dual diagnosis treatment is to create a tailored plan that addresses both mental health and addiction in a cohesive, structured manner. Thus, ensuring clients receive holistic care that targets their overall well-being.

A man opens up during rehab near Somerville, TX

Family Support in Rehab 

Addiction doesn’t just affect the individual struggling with substance abuse—it also impacts their family and loved ones. At The Prairie Recovery Center, we offer a comprehensive family program as part of our addiction treatment near Somerville, TX. This program educates and supports family members, helping them understand addiction and their role in the recovery process.

Our family program includes therapy sessions that provide a safe space for open communication, conflict resolution, and rebuilding trust. By involving family members in the treatment process, we help strengthen the support system that is so crucial for long-term recovery.

Aftercare and Long-Term Recovery

Recovery is a lifelong journey. At The Prairie Recovery Center, we support our clients long after they leave our facility. Our aftercare program provides ongoing support through regular therapy sessions, alumni programs, and access to recovery resources.

We understand that the transition from treatment to everyday life can be challenging. That’s why our rehab focuses on providing individuals with the tools they need to maintain their sobriety, prevent relapse, and build a fulfilling life in recovery. Our aftercare services are tailored to each client’s needs. Thus, ensuring they have the continued guidance and support necessary for long-term success.

Logo horizontal prairie
We’re here to help you recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

Have additional questions? Learn more about addiction and treatment options on our FAQ page.

Get Started with Rehab Near Somerville, TX

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, know that help is available. At The Prairie Recovery Center, we offer compassionate, comprehensive care to help individuals achieve lasting recovery. Our rehab provides the support, therapies, and tools needed to overcome addiction and rebuild a healthy, fulfilling life.

Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you start your journey to recovery at our drug rehab near Somerville, TX.